Populists – a security threat during the Russian aggression

Conference organized by Parempoolsed and International Republican Institute

6th of June 2022

15:00 – 17:30

Parempoolsed, with International Republican Institute invites you to the conference:

Populists – a security threat during the Russian aggression

The overall perception of the threats to the European security has drastically changed since Feb the 24th.  The importance of uniting force against the Russian anti-democratic invasion is widely recognized.

As the democratic parties around Europe have been dominantly in agreement with their political line towards Russia as an aggressor, the populist disruptors have kept prominently different line from the mainstream.

Why do the populist politicians tend to stay close to Russia in their foreign policy and what is the mechanism of building the populists’ agenda on the isolation from the EU and NATO cooperation?

What are the similarities and different features of the populist movements in different EU member states? How should the democratic political movements counter the irresponsibility of the populist disruptors?

The Agenda

  • Welcoming Note Lavly Perling
  • Presentation Thibault Muzergues: Freedoms at Risks and focus on disruptors/populists 
  • Roundtable 
    • Introduction by Siim Kiisler 
    • Part A – The mechanics of populist discourse on the War in Ukraine – perspectives from Europe
      • Loredana Teodorescu (Italy)
      • Miriam Faltova (Czech Republic)
      • Romain Le Quiniou (France)
    • Part B – The solutions to counter populists rhetorics




Thibault Muzergues

Thibault Muzergues has been working at the International Republican Institute since 2011, and currently serves as Regional Program Director for Europe and Euro-Med, working with political parties around the continent.
Apart from work and publications at IRI, Thibault is also the author of two books: The Great Class Shift: How Four Social Tribes Are Redefining Western Politics (Routledge, 2019), and War in Europe? From Impossible War to Improbable Peace (Routledge, 2022). He is a regular contributor to France’s major newspapers, as well as English and Spanish-language media. He also hosts IRI’s Transatlantic Division’s podcast, .think atlantic.


Lavly Perling


Loredana Teodorescu
Martens Centre

Loredana Teodorescu is a Research Associate at Wilfiried martens Centre for European Studies She is an expert of migration and asylum policies and linkages between European internal security and foreign affairs. Her areas of interest also include EU governance, borders, EU external action, neighbourhood policy, gender-related issues. Loredana is the Head of EU and International Affairs at Istituto Luigi Sturzo in Rome, where she is in charge of research projects mainly on EU policies and migration.


Romain Le Quiniou

Assistant Program Officer at the International Republican Institute Co-founder of Euro Creative, Paris based think tank focused on Central and Eastern Europe.


Siim Kiisler

The International Republican Institute (IRI) is an American nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to advancing freedom and democracy worldwide by helping political parties to become more issue-based and responsive, assisting citizens to participate in government planning, and working to increase the role of marginalized groups in the political process – including women and youth.

Since its founding in 1983, IRI has worked in more than 100 countries—in Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa.

The Institute’s activities include assisting political parties and candidates develop their values and institutional structures, good governance practices, civil society development, civic education, women’s and youth leadership development, electoral reform and election monitoring, and political expression in closed societies.


L'Embitu hotel, Tallinn

Lembitu 12, Tallinn, Estonia

June 6th, 15.00-17.00

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